© Real, truth journalism. Marbella, Spain. year 10. March 2011 - April 26, 2021

Spain. Venezuela. Mexico. Costa Rica. Ecuador. Dominican R. USA. Bolivia. Colombia. Argentina. Panama.

Our team

José Antonio Medina Ibáñez

Spain. José Antonio de la Trinidad Medina Ibáñez. Sociologist from the Complutense University of Madrid. MBA from the Business Management Institute, Madrid. Spain. Author of Chávez: El Pensamiento de los Ángeles I and II and El Mundo de los Perversos. Director of Human Resources at European Mobile Telecom Services and Service10. Editor of LatinPress®, Spain.

Leopoldo Puchi

Venezuela. He was Secretary General of the Movement Toward Socialism (MAS), Minister of Labor in the first government of President Chávez and Deputy of the National Assembly. Renowned Venezuelan journalist. LatinPress® Venezuela.

Humberto Vacaflor

Bolivia. He has worked at Radio Chorolque de Tupiza. National Radio, Altiplano radio and Illimani radio. He has worked for the newspaper Presencia de La Paz as a correspondent in the guerrilla zones. Journalist in Buenos Aires for the news agency Organización Noticiosa Argentina (ONA) and the Agencia Nazionale Stampa Associata (ANSA) being its correspondent in Bolivia. Producer in Radio El Mundo of the program "Argentina economico" Tertullian in the program "Facetas" on radio La Cruz del Sur. Creator and director of the weekly newsletter “Bolivia Económica”. In 1980 he was a correspondent for ANSA. Journalist for Latin American Newsletters, from London, Spanish edition and the most famous newsletter on Latin America. In London he was ANSA correspondent for the Latin American section. He has been elected Secretary General of the Federation of Press Workers of Bolivia. Secretary General of the Association of Journalists of La Paz. First rotating president of the Association of Journalists of La Paz. Journalism Award from the Manuel Vicente Ballivián Foundation. Member of the Ibero-America Forum, in which personalities from Spain and Latin America participate. Named the best columnist for the weekly La Época. Freedom Prize 2016, awarded by the National Press Association. LatinPress®. Bolivia.

Humberto Caspa

USA. PhD., Professor and researcher at Economics On The Move. He taught Political Science and Political Economy at the University of California Irvine; California State University Long Beach, California State University San Marcos; and California State University Fullerton. Author of the book: Terror in the Latin Quarter: the arrival of the new right to the municipal government. Current columnist for several national newspapers in the United States. Invited as a political analyst on the Telemando and Univisión television networks. LatinPress®. USA.

Francisco Javier Gonzalez

Spain. Collaborator of

Rafael Peralta Romero

Dominican Republic. Journalist and university professor. He has published four novels, three storybooks, and other children's books. He is a copyeditor and columnist for the newspaper El Nacional, from the Dominican Republic, where he was born in December 1948. He is a regular member of the Dominican Academy of Language and General Director of the National Library of the Dominican Republic. LatinPress®

Pedro Echeverria

Mexico. Graduate in history (Mexico). Doctor in Information Sciences (Tenerife, Spain). LatinPress®.

Fabrizio Reyes de Luca

Ecuador. Graduate in Social & Political Sciences. Lawyer of the Courts and Tribunals of the Republic of Ecuador. Faculty of Jurisprudence. Editorialist of the newspaper El Telégrafo de Guayaquil - Ecuador. Political and social opinion writer for the magazine Bajo La Lupa in Lima - Peru. He has held the positions of Professor of Commercial Law (Second Cycle) Universidad Católica de Santiago, Guayaquil. Professor of Elements of Law and Human Rights, Metropolitan University of Guayaquil. Professor of Social and Political Sciences APEC University - Dominican Republic. LatinPress®. Ecuador.

Jose Luis Gonzalez

USA. Contributor to and editor and producer of Radio Morena in Los Angeles, United States. LatinPress United States®

Mariela Sagel

Panama. Ambassador of Panama in Turkey. Panamanian architect, she has been general director of McCann Erickson Panama and Minister of Government and Justice in the government of former President Ernesto Pérez Balladares. She has been writing local and international media since 1981 and was awarded the 2015 Writer of the Year in Panama. It also has a weekly television program on the national newscast with the highest audience, about literature. LatinPress®. Panama.

Fernando Duran Ayanegui

Costa Rica. Graduated from the Higher School of Arts and Crafts of Havana, Cuba, and from the Faculty of Sciences and Letters of the University of Costa Rica. Doctor in Chemistry from the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, and Visiting Researcher at Harvard University, Massachusetts. He was president of the Costa Rican Association of Authors of Artistic, Literary and Scientific Works, and at the University of Costa Rica he was Dean of the Faculty of Sciences, Coordinator of the Graduate Studies System, Vice-Rector for Teaching and Rector. He is currently a Full Member of the Costa Rican Academy of Language, a corresponding member of the Royal Spanish Academy and a permanent columnist for the daily La Nación de Costa Rica. He has published short stories, poetry, novels and essays. He has received the following distinctions: "José Martí" Scholarship, Government of Cuba (1950-1956); Professor, University of Costa Rica, 1977; National Short Story Award of Costa Rica "Aquileo J. Echeverría", years 1981, 1986, 1987 and 1989; "Jorge Volio" Prize for Literature, from the College of Professors and Graduates of Arts, Sciences and Letters of Costa Rica, 1989; First Prize, Hispano-American Short Novel Contest, V Centenario, of the Municipality of Benalmá¬dena, Málaga, Spain, 1990; Emeritus Professor, School of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Costa Rica, 1996. LatinPress® Costa Rica.


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